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  • AF partners with NASA for mission success

    Developed in the mid 1990’s by the NASA Geographic Information System office, the Flood Impact Analysis Tool illustrates the effects of localized tidal storm flooding. Through a partnership with NASA, the 633rd Civil Engineer Squadron at Langley Air Force Base benefits from the multi-functioning

  • JBLE training course advances skills for maintainers

    Throughout the year, more than 370 maintainers from eight different Air Force Specialty Codes attend advanced training courses at the 372nd Training Squadron, Detachment 18 at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia.

  • JBLE plan preapares Langley AFB for sea level rise

    One hundred years ago the National Advisory Council for Aeronautics identified the coastal area that is now Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia as ideal for conducting NACA, U.S. Army and U.S. Navy missions.Despite challenges caused by the sea level rise, the base’s location on the Chesapeake Bay

  • Langley Wingwomen highlight Women’s Equality Day

    Women in America earned the right to vote 96 years ago and since then have continued fighting to improve their rights. August 26 is recognized as Women’s Equality Day, an observance of the progression of women’s equality from the passing of the 19th amendment during the women’s suffrage movement to