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Ninth AF certifies as JTF-capable HQ with joint, coalition partners
U.S. Airmen with the 5th Combat Communications Group (CCG) from Robins Air Force Base, Ga., set up the forward headquarters, or “tent city,” in preparation for Mission Readiness Exercise (MRX) 19-2, Shaw AFB, S.C., Nov. 26, 2018. Tent city included eight tents for the forward combined joint task force headquarters, a communications tent, cyber café and supporting equipment. In total, the 5th CCG delivered 16 pallets of equipment from Robins AFB to support MRX 19-2. The exercise was an initial operational capability certification event designed to demonstrate Ninth Air Force’s ability to effectively plan, prepare, execute and assess Combined Joint Task Force operations at the operational level of war as tasked by the Air Force Chief of Staff. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
Ninth AF certifies as JTF-capable HQ with joint, coalition partners
U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Scott J. Zobrist, right, Ninth Air Force commander, certifies Ninth AF in achieving initial operating capability as a Joint Task Force (JTF)-capable headquarters as Gen. Mike Holmes, commander of Air Combat Command, looks on, Dec. 14, 2018. Ninth AF demonstrated its ability to effectively plan, prepare, execute and assess Combined JTF operations at the operational level of war during Mission Readiness Exercise (MRX) 19-2 Dec. 10-14, 2018. (U.S. Air Force photo by Maj. Angela Webb)
Ninth AF certifies as JTF-capable HQ with joint, coalition partners
Royal Air Force Wing Cmdr. Philip Holdcroft, standing, Ninth Air Force J3 Operations Directorate exchange officer, briefs U.S. Air Force Gen. Mike Holmes, commander of Air Combat Command, Maj. Gen. Scott J. Zobrist, Ninth AF commander, and staff during Mission Readiness Exercise (MRX) 19-2, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C., Dec. 13, 2018. MRX 19-2 was an initial operational certification event designed to demonstrate Ninth Air Force’s ability to effectively plan, prepare, execute and assess Combined Joint Task Force operations at the operational level of war as tasked by the Air Force Chief of Staff. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
Ninth AF begins Mission Readiness Exercise
U.S. Airmen with the 5th Combat Communications Group (CCG) from Robins Air Force Base, Ga., set up the forward headquarters, or “tent city,” in preparation for Mission Readiness Exercise (MRX) 19-2, Nov. 26, 2018, Shaw AFB, S.C. The location included eight tents for the forward combined joint task force headquarters, as well as a communication tent, cyber café and supporting equipment. In total, the 5th CCG drove four flatbed trucks with 16 pallets of equipment from Robins AFB to support MRX 19-2. MRX 19-2 is an initial operational certification event designed to demonstrate Ninth Air Force’s ability to effectively plan, prepare, execute and assess Combined Joint Task Force operations at the operational level of war as tasked by the Air Force Chief of Staff. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
Ninth AF begins Mission Readiness Exercise
U.S. military and civilian members participate in one of the four operational planning teams (OPT) during Mission Readiness Exercise (MRX) 19-2, Dec. 11, 2018, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. The role of the OPT is to direct planning efforts, including implementation of plans and orders, as part of the Joint Planning Process during the exercise. MRX 19-2 is an initial operational certification event designed to demonstrate Ninth Air Force’s ability to effectively plan, prepare, execute and assess Combined Joint Task Force operations at the operational level of war as tasked by the Air Force Chief of Staff. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick) The box blur tool was used for operational security reasons.
Ninth AF begins Mission Readiness Exercise
U.S. Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Andy Vasquez, right, Ninth Air Force J-4 Logistics Directorate planner, inprocesses a U.S. Navy member with U.S. Transportation Command’s Joint Enabling Capabilities Command during the Joint Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration (JRSOI), Dec. 9, 2018, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. During JRSOI, Mission Readiness Exercise (MRX) 19-2 participants registered for the MRX and attended a variety of briefings on topics ranging from communications to finance in a deployed environment. MRX 19-2 is an initial operational certification event designed to demonstrate Ninth Air Force’s ability to effectively plan, prepare, execute and assess Combined Joint Task Force operations at the operational level of war as tasked by the Air Force Chief of Staff. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick) The rectangular marquee and fill tools were used for operational security reasons.
Ninth AF begins Mission Readiness Exercise
Ninth Air Force members and augmentees register Mission Readiness Exercise (MRX) 19-2 participants during the Joint Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration (JROSI), Dec. 9, 2018, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. The JRSOI transitions members, equipment and materials into forces capable of meeting the commander’s operational requirements. This was the first time Ninth AF implemented a full JRSOI with three iterations to inprocess Ninth AF headquarters members, U.S. Transportation Command’s Joint Enabling Capabilities Command members and other joint and coalition partners. MRX 19-2 is an initial operational certification event designed to demonstrate Ninth Air Force’s ability to effectively plan, prepare, execute and assess Combined Joint Task Force operations at the operational level of war as tasked by the Air Force Chief of Staff. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
Ninth AF begins Mission Readiness Exercise
U.S. Airmen with the 5th Combat Communications Group (CCG) from Robins Air Force Base, Ga. set up the forward headquarters, or “tent city,” in preparation for Mission Readiness Exercise (MRX) 19-2, Nov. 26, 2018, Shaw AFB, S.C. The location included eight tents for the forward combined joint task force headquarters, as well as a communication tent configurations and supporting equipment. During MRX 19-2, the 5th CCG provided the integrated deployable communication kit that includes tents, power and a variety of network, voice and data support. MRX 19-2 is an initial operational certification event designed to demonstrate Ninth Air Force’s ability to effectively plan, prepare, execute and assess Combined Joint Task Force operations at the operational level of war as tasked by the Air Force Chief of Staff. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
Ninth AF begins Mission Readiness Exercise
U.S. Airmen with the 5th Combat Communications Group (CCG) from Robins Air Force Base, Ga., build the forward headquarters, or “tent city,” in preparation for Mission Readiness Exercise (MRX) 19-2, Nov. 26, 2018, Shaw AFB, S.C. In total, 33 Airmen with the 5th CCG helped construct the forward location. For MRX 19-2, the 5th CCG consisted of the 51st and 52nd Combat Communications Squadrons (CBCS), as well as the 55th CBCS that is the reserve component of the group. MRX 19-2 is an initial operational certification event designed to demonstrate Ninth Air Force’s ability to effectively plan, prepare, execute and assess Combined Joint Task Force operations at the operational level of war as tasked by the Air Force Chief of Staff. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
Combat comm integrates with Ninth AF during STAFFEX 18-6
U.S. Airmen with the 5th Combat Communications Group (CCG) from Robins Air Force Base, Ga., secure a pallet following the conclusion of Staff Exercise (STAFFEX 18-6), Sept. 28, 2018, Shaw AFB, S.C. The pallet comprised of various pieces of network equipment that provided communication support to the forward Ninth Air Force joint task force headquarters during the exercise. To bring all of the equipment needed for the STAFFEX, the 5th CCG drove two truckloads with nine pallets from Robins. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
Combat comm integrates with Ninth AF during STAFFEX 18-6
U.S. Air Force Capt. Adam Byne, left, 51st Combat Communications Squadron (CBCS) network operations flight commander and site commander for the staff exercise, and 2nd Lt. Michael Hollis, 51st CBCS network operations flight officer in charge, disassemble the forward joint task force headquarters tents after Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) 18-6 concludes, Sept. 28, 2018, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. The tents were part of a flexible communication package the 5th Combat Communications Group, out of Robins AFB, Ga., provided for the exercise and included four tents for the main area, as well as a communication tent and supporting equipment. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
Combat comm integrates with Ninth AF during STAFFEX 18-6
U.S. Air Force Staff Sgts. Kyle Mangold, back, and Joshua Tanner, 51st Combat Communications Squadron (CBCS) radio frequency transmissions systems techs, pack up a large aperture antenna following the conclusion of Staff Exercise 18-6, Sept. 28, 2018, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. As part of the flexible communication package (FCP), the antenna provided internet services to the Ninth Air Force’s forward joint task force (JTF) headquarters for the duration of the exercise. The FCP supported not only network capabilities but voice and data as well, providing a “deployed” location for the forward JTF headquarters staff. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
Combat comm integrates with Ninth AF during STAFFEX 18-6
U.S. Airmen with the 5th Combat Communications Group (CCG) from Robins Air Force Base, Ga., tear down the flexible communication package provided for the Ninth Air Force’s Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) 18-6 at the forward joint task force (JTF) headquarters, Sept. 28, 2018, Shaw AFB, S.C. The 5th CCG comprises of three squadrons: the 51st Combat Communications Squadron (CBCS), the 52nd CBCS and the 5th Combat Communications Supply Squadron that includes the Air Force Engineering and Technical Services (AFETS). In total, 23 Airmen, including two civilians from AFETS, participated in the STAFFEX by providing the communication platforms and support necessary for communication operations in a “deployed” location. Going forward, the 5th CBCG will be in an integral part of Ninth AF for not only future staff exercises, but also when Ninth AF is certified as a JTF-capable headquarters and is tasked to perform its joint mission. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
Combat comm integrates with Ninth AF during STAFFEX 18-6
During the Ninth Air Force’s Staff Exercise (STAFFEX 18-6), the 5th Combat Communications Group (CCG) from Robins Air Force Base, Ga., integrated with Ninth AF headquarters staff to provide communications in a “deployed” environment, Sept. 26, 2018, Shaw AFB, S.C. The 5th CCG’s flexible communication package included four tents that offered operational workspace for forward joint task force headquarters, a communication tent, network capabilities, and additional capabilities the staff needed to perform its mission. In all, the 23 Airmen from 5th CCG brought two truckloads filled with nine pallets of equipment. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
Combat comm integrates with Ninth AF during STAFFEX 18-6
U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Austin Jeanneret, right, 5th Combat Communications Support Squadron cyber systems instructor, backs up after palletizing a generator as Staff Sgt. Michael Williams, 51st Combat Communications Squadron power production tech, guides him safely, Sept. 28, 2018, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. As part of the flexible communication package (FCP), the generator was one of many that ensured the Ninth Air Force’s forward joint task force (JTF) headquarters maintained power for the duration of Staff Exercise 18-6. The FCP consisted of four tents that housed the forward JTF headquarters, a communication tent, the communication antenna, and all equipment needed for the exercise. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
Combat comm integrates with Ninth AF during STAFFEX 18-6
Allen Wilkinson, left, and U.S. Air Force Capt. Jessica White, Ninth Air Force Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) 18-6 Knowledge Management planners, discuss the STAFFEX battle rhythm for the exercise scenario, Sept. 26, 2018, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. The knowledge managers compile the working groups, boards, update briefs and more using inputs from the staff. The planners then help synchronize the staff’s schedule with the higher headquarters commander’s battle rhythm to ensure all major actions and meetings are staffed. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick) The box blur was used for operational security reasons.
Combat comm integrates with Ninth AF during STAFFEX 18-6
U.S. Airmen from the J4 Logistics Directorate and J1 Manpower and Personnel Directorate, front group, discuss exercise-related engineering issues during Ninth Air Force’s Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) 18-6, Sept. 26, 2018, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. During the STAFFEX , which simulated how a forward joint task force (JTF) headquarters would run, the Ninth Air Force staff determined the course of action for a variety of problem sets to achieve goals and accomplish an exercise scenario. For this STAFFEX, JTF forward members held meetings in a “deployed” environment using tents included in a flexible communication package provided by the 5th Combat Communications Group from Robins AFB, Ga. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick) The box blur was used for operational security reasons.
U.S. Airmen with the Ninth Air Force J-1 Manpower and Personnel Directorate discuss the Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) 18-5 joint manning document (JMD) for the exercise scenario located in the U.S. Southern Command theater, Aug. 15, 2018, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. The J-1 directorate not only maintains the JMD but is also the focal point for personnel support actions, as well as manages and synchronizes the level of personnel support provided to the task force during all phases of an operation. STAFFEX 18-5 was the fifth iteration as part of the training plan for Ninth AF to become a Joint Task Force-capable headquarters as directed by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Golfein. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Tanner Hostetler, left, Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) 18-4 intelligence planner, and Senior Master Sgt. Pam Lucas, STAFFEX 18-4 logistics planner, both from the Michigan Air National Guard's 217th Air Component Operations Squadron, research information for an exercise scenario, June 20, 2018, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. Hostetler and Lucas were part of the exercise Joint Task Force headquarters rear element located 'back' at Shaw AFB. The rear element of the JTF headquarters conducted most of the planning to determine how to provide humanitarian assistance related to the scenario of the exercise. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
U.S. Airmen conduct the Joint Planning Process (JPP) at the rear element location during 9th Air Force's Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) 18-4, June 20, 2018, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. The STAFFEX consisted of a humanitarian assistance scenario in the U.S. Africa Command area of responsibility. The main focus of the rear element was to conduct the JPP and create a course of action that supported the humanitarian assistance effort. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick)
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