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Combat comm integrates with Ninth AF during STAFFEX 18-6
U.S. Airmen from the J4 Logistics Directorate and J1 Manpower and Personnel Directorate, front group, discuss exercise-related engineering issues during Ninth Air Force’s Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) 18-6, Sept. 26, 2018, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. During the STAFFEX , which simulated how a forward joint task force (JTF) headquarters would run, the Ninth Air Force staff determined the course of action for a variety of problem sets to achieve goals and accomplish an exercise scenario. For this STAFFEX, JTF forward members held meetings in a “deployed” environment using tents included in a flexible communication package provided by the 5th Combat Communications Group from Robins AFB, Ga. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Amanda Dick) The box blur was used for operational security reasons.