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  • Flag Day: Honoring red, white, blue

    June 14, 1777, the Second Congressional Congress adopted the flag of the United States of America. Later in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed June 14 as the day to officially celebrate our flag.

  • New missile pushes F-22 ahead of fight

    In today’s war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, being accurate and effective are both key components in keeping Americans and their allies safe. To accommodate this, the F-22 recently switched from AIM-9M to AIM-9X munitions, as the AIM-9M is an older missile, dating back to the Vietnam

  • Air Force’s oldest fighter squadron celebrates centennial

    The Air Force’s oldest fighter squadron celebrated its 100th year anniversary May 8. The 27th Fighter Squadron dates back to World War I and was originally organized at Kelly Field, Texas. It was later assigned to the 1st Pursuit Group in early 1918 and is now known as the 1st Operations Group.

  • JBLE welcomes President Trump

    President Donald J. Trump greeted a crowd of service members, their families and friends as he made his first official visit to Joint Base Langley-Eustis and the Tidewater military community, March 2.