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  • Total Force Service Center to expand chat features on myPers

    The Air Force Personnel Center announced that the live chat feature on myPers, the Air Force online personnel information resource, expanded Feb. 27 to cover a broader range of personnel programs and provide extended hours of availability.

  • Air Force promotions eliminates time-in-grade, time-in-service points

    Time-in-grade and time-in-service points in active duty enlisted promotion consideration will be eliminated beginning with the 17E7 master sergeant promotion cycle, and all future promotion cycles, the Air Force recently announced. This is the final step in a gradual reduction of points for TIG/TIS

  • First two enlisted pilots complete solo flights

    Two Air Force master sergeants became the first enlisted Airmen in six decades to complete solo flights, Nov. 3, during Initial Flight Training at the 1st Flying Training Squadron.Both soloed in a DA-20 Katana at Pueblo Memorial Airport as part of the Air Force’s IFT program, which is mandatory for