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  • Langley 1 of 4 AFBs to test bio-based grease

    The 733rd Logistics Readiness Squadron Vehicle Management Flight was chosen to participate in a 12-month long experimental testing of a new bio-based grease to lessen the base's impact on the environment.The 441st Vehicle Support Chain Operations Squadron and representatives from the Defense

  • 733rd LRS fuels mission at JBLE

    From refueling jets and firetrucks to testing fuel samples and maintaining liquid oxygen, the 733rd Logistics Readiness Squadron fuels management flight does it all at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia. The fuels management flight, also known as for petroleum, oils and lubricants, provides fuel

  • AF partners with NASA for mission success

    Developed in the mid 1990’s by the NASA Geographic Information System office, the Flood Impact Analysis Tool illustrates the effects of localized tidal storm flooding. Through a partnership with NASA, the 633rd Civil Engineer Squadron at Langley Air Force Base benefits from the multi-functioning