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  • NATO partners conduct close air support exercise

    Members of the German air force’s Air Ground Operations Squadron partnered with the 19th Air Support Operations Squadron to conduct a close air support exercise April 10-14 at Camp Grayling, Michigan.

  • Razor Talon provides joint training for air, ground components

    The opposing force scurried around the arid airfield to prepare for an oncoming attack. Without warning, a pair of A-10C Thunderbolt IIs screamed toward the airfield and simulated multiple strafing runs decimating a radar jammer. A Tactical Air Control Party specialist embedded with the 82nd

  • Air liaison officers test cadets

    Cadets from the Air Force Academy attended an Air Liaison Officers Aptitude Assessment Feb. 13 to 17 at Camp Bullis, Texas.Current ALOs and enlisted tactical air control party members from the 93rd Air Ground Operations Wing filled the roles of cadre and raters to assess if the cadets have what it