New Horizons personnel complete construction on Honduran school house

Gabriela Mistral School Principal Abraham Ruiz hands a gift to U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Nathan Rosier, 823rd Expeditionary RED HORSE Squadron structural craftsman and Tampa, Fla., native, as a token of his appreciation for the work that he and other members of the New Horizons Honduras 2015 training exercise performed in the construction of a new two-classroom schoolhouse during a ribbon-cutting ceremony at Ocotes Alto, Honduras, July 28, 2015. Ruiz gave a gift to every member of the New Horizons team that worked in the construction of the building. New Horizons was launched in the 1980s and is an annual joint humanitarian assistance exercise that U.S. Southern Command conducts with a partner nation in Central America, South America or the Caribbean. The exercise improves joint training readiness of U.S. and partner nation civil engineers, medical professionals and support personnel through humanitarian assistance activities. (U.S. Air Force photo by Capt. David J. Murphy/Released)

PHOTO BY: Capt. David J. MurphyReleased
VIRIN: 150728-F-LP903-930.JPG
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