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Category: Moody
  • AGOW celebrates 10 years, looks to future

    Since 2008, the 93d Air Ground Operations Wing has been on the front lines of the global war against terrorism providing ground combat forces specially trained to integrate air and space power into the joint scheme maneuver.
  • Defenders demonstrate combat readiness

    After 48-hours of preparation and travel, the Airmen arrive at a bare base. The climate is 40 degrees colder than they’re used to, the terrain and landscape are unfamiliar, but they hit the ground running.
  • Air Force, Army collaborate during joint training

    In the heart of Mojave Desert in southeastern California, U.S. Army ground forces engage in fierce combat with mock insurgents. As the grueling battle intensified with no standstill in sight, these combat warriors remained confident knowing aerial support was a radio’s call away.
  • CBRNE prepares Airmen to deploy

    Team Moody Airmen participated in a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense (CBRNE) class, Feb. 1, here. The class was geared towards better preparing the Airmen to combat an enemy attack while also familiarizing them with their mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP) gear.
  • Airman opens door for innovation

    Innovative Airmen allow the Air Force to bring the future faster, and one master sergeant is trying to revamp the way rocket propellant is cleaned off the flightline. Master Sgt. Terri Adams, 23d Civil Engineer Squadron emergency management section chief, won the Air Combat Command’s level of the Air Force Spark Tank competition.
  • 723d AMXS wraps up HH-60 depot maintenance

    From 16-25 Jan., Airmen from the 723d AMXS performed 216 hours of maintenance on an HH-60 after it returned to Moody following 350 days of depot maintenance at Naval Air Station (NAS) Jacksonville. While at NAS Jacksonville, the HH-60 underwent a complete structural overhaul where it received new internal and external components along with repairs and updated programming.
  • 820th BDG prepares for future

    A convoy is ambushed downrange. The gunner attempts to return fire, but mid-burst, it jams. Thinking back to the class he took to qualify on the weapon, he quickly performs the immediate actions needed to continue firing the weapon and protect the convoy. This is the expertise the Combat Arms Training and Maintenance (CATM) instructors assigned to the 820th Combat Operations Squadron are responsible for instilling in every Airman in the 820th Base Defense Group.
  • Warfighters return to loved ones

    During the seven-month deployment the 74th Fighter Squadron flew more than 1,700 sorties, employed weapons over 4,400 times, destroyed 2,300 targets and killed 2,800 insurgents.
  • Defenders blast through Weapons Week

    Release the trigger, pull the bolt to the rear, wait for brass or a link to fall out and continue firing. Those are the immediate actions Combat Arms Training and Maintenance (CATM) instructors taught 824th Base Defense Squadron (BDS) Airmen during Weapons Week at Camp Blanding Joint Training Center, Fla.
  • Unified by diversity: BSC celebrates 53 years

    The Chief of Staff of the Air Force signed a special order Jan. 28, 1965, to recognize officers in 17 different medical specializations as the Biomedical Science Corps (BSC). Team Moody’s BSC is celebrating their strength through diversity for the 53rd year, during BSC appreciation week Jan. 22 through 26.