April 30, 2020 Top Air Force leader’s vision realized with stand up of TF-Southeast Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright visited Task Force-Southeast April 30 to see first-hand how the unit is supporting the whole-of-government approach to the Department of Defense’s response to COVID-19.
Feb. 18, 2020 Joint, Coalition partners conduct STAFFEX 20-2 Approximately 200 Ninth Air Force, joint and coalition partners participated in Staff Exercise 20-2 Feb. 6 through 15.
May 16, 2019 Blue Flag 19-1 exercises Ninth AF’s command, control capability Ninth Air Force staff participated as a joint task force headquarters during Blue Flag 19-1, a joint exercise, at Homestead Air Reserve Base, Florida, from May 6 through 10.
Dec. 18, 2018 Ninth AF certifies as JTF-capable HQ with joint, coalition partners Ninth Air Force achieved certification as a U.S. Air Force Joint Task Force (JTF)-capable headquarters Dec. 14 following the conclusion of Mission Readiness Exercise (MRX) 19-2.
Dec. 11, 2018 Ninth AF begins Mission Readiness Exercise Ninth Air Force began Mission Readiness Exercise 19-2 Dec. 9
Oct. 17, 2018 Combat comm integrates with Ninth AF during STAFFEX 18-6 Headquarters Ninth Air Force trained with an integral communication piece of a joint task force (JTF) headquarters before its certification event in December during Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) 18-6 Sept. 24 through 28.
Aug. 20, 2018 Ninth AF adds joint flavor to STAFFEX 18-5 Ninth Air Force advanced through its fifth Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) Aug. 13 through 17, focusing on operations in the U.S. Southern Command theater.
June 28, 2018 Fourth AF Joint Task Force HQ STAFFEX highlights African humanitarian assistance mission Ninth Air Force held its fourth Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) June 18 through 22 since being tasked by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein to stand up an Air Force Joint Task Force (JTF)-capable headquarters.
April 9, 2018 9th AF members learn JTF functions firsthand during JC18 Airmen from 9th Air Force (9th AF) participated in exercise Juniper Cobra 18 (JC18), Mar. 4-15, in Israel to continue building toward certification as a Joint Task Force (JTF)-capable headquarters for the Air Force.
March 27, 2018 9th AF, JECC partner in JTF forming exercise The Department of Defense is one step closer to an Air Force-led certified joint task force headquarters (JTF-HQ) capability, following the conclusion of the 9th Air Force JTF Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) March 4-9.