U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein shared words of wisdom during an all-call with members of Team Shaw May 30.
During the call, Goldfein provided insight on his three focus areas: revitalizing the squadron, strengthening joint leaders and teams, and enhancing multi-domain command and control.
In an effort to reach as many Shaw Airmen as possible, Goldfein spoke with Airmen from 9th Air Force, U.S. Air Forces Central and the 20th Fighter Wing. While CSAF shared topics on his mind, he also expressed his desire to hear the concerns of Airmen and passed along his gratitude for the air superiority they create.
"Air superiority is not an American birthright. You've got to continue to fight for it, you've got to be vigilant," said Goldfein. "We want to ensure that when any Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine or Coast Guardsman on the ground or on the surface hears jet noise, they never have to look up - because they know it's us, and for an Airman, this is nothing short of a moral obligation."
As a globally present force, Goldfein gave Airmen perspective on the agility required to adjust to an ever-changing landscape.
"For future conflicts, are we playing checkers, or will we be grand masters of chess? We've been able to control the pace of operations for the past 15-16 years, but with our near-peer adversaries narrowing our advantageous lead, we must synergize multiple domains to place them on the horn of multiple dilemmas simultaneously."
In closing, Goldfein expressed his pride in Airmen and their contributions to the nation’s defense, but also encouraged them to prepare now for the future.
“I have no idea when the next fight is coming, but I know this with 100 percent clarity -- you and I have right now until then to get ready for it,” said Goldfein.