SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. -- The growth of technology has allowed a simple spoken or typed command to provide people across the world endless information at their fingertips.
News, security and even communication has become more complex through continuous advancements.
To help Team Shaw members keep up with the ever-changing landscape, Juan Leon, 20th Force Support Squadron information technology data automation assistant, hosts an educational avenue for learning about technology called Tech Talks with Juan.
“I love technology; I love computers; I love gadgets,” Leon said. “I realized this is my chance not just to explore or teach what I know, but to have an opportunity to learn even more; that’s why I like doing the class, and it helps me share my excitement and interest in devices and computers.”
Some people have already been helped by Leon, such as William Robinson, a regular Tech Talk attendee.
According to Robinson, he started attending the class each week after hearing about it through a commercial on the radio as he felt it sounded like a “great educational opportunity.”
The talks have monthly subjects such as Microsoft Office programs, streaming devices, gaming systems and computer security.
During the class, Leon presents his students with information about a type of technology and then demonstrates how to use it.
Learning about technology from Leon, Robinson has been able to apply those skills toward his business.
“I raise butterflies for releases at weddings and funerals,” Robinson said. “I need PowerPoint [and] Word and to be able to send invoices. Whatever Juan teaches me, I can relate that to what I’m doing with my business.
“We’ve learned about different things that give us additional information we didn’t know before,” Robinson added. “It’s very educational for us. Whatever Juan comes up with, it’s a great day for us.”
Leon is open to subject suggestions from his patrons and will stay back after class to help if they have additional questions. Even if the questions are unrelated to that day’s subject, they have the potential to present Leon with new knowledge.
“If it’s something I don’t know, I’ll look it up and we’ll learn at the same time,” Leon said.
With continuously growing technology, Leon said if a person is not keeping up-to-date, they can get left behind, and that it can be difficult to stay informed on everything unless the person has the drive or interest to stay savvy.
Many Airmen rely on computers and software programs to accomplish the mission. Staying informed on today’s technology and its different uses is one way Airmen can maintain the leading edge in air, space and cyberspace.