JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas -- Airmen eligible for the new Blended Retirement System can now take the required Opt-In training via the Advance Distributed Learning System versus Joint Knowledge Online.
The Opt-In course is designed to provide information for eligible Airmen to make an educated decision about their retirement system. Only those active Airmen who, as of Dec. 31, have served fewer than 12 years, or reserve Airmen who have accrued fewer than 4,320 retirement points, will have the option of electing BRS or remaining in the legacy retirement system.
As Airmen become eligible for BRS, they receive a notification message from myPers that requires acknowledgement and directs them to take the mandatory Opt-In training. The training (course number ZZ133146) is now available via ADLS and takes approximately two hours to complete. Using the ADLS platform aids commanders and Unit Training Managers in tracking this mandatory training.
While decisions are not needed before Jan. 1, 2018, all Airmen should take advantage of training and informational resources to research their options during 2017. Leaders are encouraged to take the Opt-In training to understand what their junior Airmen should know as they prepare to make their decisions in 2018. For this reason, the Air Force recommends BRS training for all Airmen.
An additional training resource is the BRS Leader Training which provides an overview for educational purposes and is also available to those without a Common Access Card -- to include family members -- via an alternate website.
Eligible Airmen are highly encouraged to discuss their personal situations with a Personal Financial Counselor and Educator at the Airman and Family Readiness Center. These counselors can walk Airmen through their options and develop a plan based upon the Airman's input, yet will refrain from advising Airmen on a particular course of action or direction.
BRS information is continuously updated on myPers. Click "Retirement" from any military landing page. In addition, a live chat feature on BRS is available for Airmen. To chat live with a Total Force Service Center representative, go to the page and allow about 30 to 60 seconds to enable a representative to come online.
For more information about Air Force personnel programs, go to myPers. Individuals who do not have a myPers account can request one by following these instructions.