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Air Force looking for Airmen triathletes

  • Published
  • Air Force Services Activity

The Air Force is looking for Airmen to compete on the 2017 Air Force Triathlon team at the Armed Forces Championship June 7-11 at Naval Base Ventura County, California.

Seven men will be selected for the men's open and two for the master's, age 40 or older.  Five women will be selected for the women's open and two for the master's, age 35 or older.

The deadline for Airmen to submit an application through myPERS is April 26. Those interested can download an Air Force Form 303 at Forms require supervisor and commander endorsement.

Unlike other sports where Airmen selected attend trial camps, those selected for the triathlon team report to the championship location a few days before the event.

For more information, contact Master Sgt. Marcus Darnell or Tech. Sgt. Trymond Rubin at DSN 969-8857.