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9th AF commander provides 3rd level of certification for ACC F-16 Viper Demonstration Team pilot

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  • 9th Air Force Public Affairs

Maj. Gen. Scott J. Zobrist, 9th Air Force commander, provided the third level of certification for Air Combat Command's F-16 Viper Demonstration Team incoming pilot at Shaw AFB Jan. 20. The process involves four levels of certification (group commander, wing commander, numbered air force and ACC commander) and showcases the upcoming year’s demonstration, as well as certifies the new demo team pilot on the maneuvers.

The team exhibits the F-16CM Fighting Falcon’s qualities as a multi-role fighter aircraft that is highly maneuverable and provides air-to-air combat and air-to-surface attack capabilities to the U.S. and Allied nations. The F-16 also conducts a variety of missions including suppression of enemy air defense, offensive and defense counter air and close air support.