AL UDEID AIR BASE, Qatar -- Gen. Hawk Carlisle, commander of Air Combat Command, visited the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing Nov. 22 during his tour of the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility.
Accompanied by his wife, Gillian, and Chief Master Sgt. Steve McDonald, ACC command chief master sergeant, Carlisle explained they were here strictly for the Airmen.
The commander addressed Airmen across the base, reminding them no one can match their dedication, discipline and quality of character, as well as to give his thanks for the work that they do.
“While the rest of the world is getting ready for the holidays, you are here protecting our way of life and the nation thanks you for that sacrifice,” the commander said.
Carlisle added Airmen should take care of themselves, and more importantly, take care of each other.
“Never forget the impact you have made and will make for the defense of our nation,” he said.
In addition to visiting the 379th AEW, Mrs. Carlisle also had a chance to dine with female Airmen and current key spouses to identify and discuss challenges facing deployed servicewomen.
“My husband will say it is his job to help you, the Airmen,” Mrs. Carlisle said. “That is what I am here to do too; I want to listen to your concerns and do my best to work things up the chain.”
During more than two years as Commander of Air Combat Command, Carlisle has used visits like this to deployed bases and home stations to inform decisions and advocacy aimed at improving combat air forces supporting Air Forces Centeral.
ACC's current efforts include funding aircraft modernization, boosting the number of Airmen in core missions, making the Air Force's Remotely Piloted Aircraft and intelligence operations more sustainable, and improving Airmen's quality of life.